Membership Discounts

NJEVA has relationships with a number of vendors who support the EV industry in New Jersey.

If you are looking for a service, please consider supporting the following businesses

If you purchase with the link below, you will receive a $25 discount on an OpenEVSE Advanced 40/48 amp EVSE.

This is a smart EVSE with full text display.  It also comes standard with cold weather cable and PV divert if you have solar panels. 120/240V dual voltage comes with NEMA 14-50 (if using with 120v, will require an adapter)

Eurotech Motorsports (Mahwah)
If you’re looking to get paint protection or other detailing services, they are offering NJEVA members a 10% discount.

Ask for Danek (owner), to get the special price.

You can also schedule a tour of their fabulous facility to see the great work they are doing on all of their vehicles.

If you are or have identified a vendor who would want to partner with NJEVA and provide discounted services to our members, please reach out to Ira Gross